Thursday, May 19, 2011

So I have this blog...

So a few years ago I got a Facebook page. I figured that since many of my friends were getting it, then maybe I should too. Along the same lines as if they jumped off a bridge and what not, but quite as drastic. Though base jumping would be fun. But I'm getting off track. ANYWAY I thought I would get Facebook because everyone was on it, and it was the cool new thing. I was becoming disillusioned with MSN chat, and somehow my email address got out and I kept getting requests from people I didn't know. Now I'm all for making friends in strange places, but the fact that I had no way of knowing these people just freaked me out. At least with Facebook I could know who I was talking to, and see a picture of them. I don't know why, but it made me feel better. So I had this all through high school, and then a few years later Twitter came about. Now I never thought that anyone would want to hear me talk about different things, and that my life wasn't interesting enough for Twitter. It was something that people with interesting lives did, and well my senior year of high school I was focused on college, and figuring out what I was going to major in, and what college I was going to go to, yadda yadda yadda. I had a small group of friends, who were fantastic, and we always tried to get together on the weekends to do stuff, usually get food, go to someones house and play board games, and end the night by 10 or 11. We weren't party animals, and that was ok. We knew people who were and decided that wasn't for us. So another few years go by and more social media tools came about, but they never interested me. 
This last year though I took a class devoted to social media. One of the requirements was that if we did not have a Twitter account already, then we needed to sign up for one. Which was me. When I first signed up for it, I never thought that I would use it much. Just a few times to keep it active, but again, I never thought that I was interesting enough to justify having one. Then I started using it, seeing some other friends on there, and following celebrities that I liked.  I realized that this was more than some place I can go for celebrity gossip, but that I could say things, and people would listen. Now I only have a few followers, but still, those faithful 5 could see my thoughts. I never realized how powerful of a tool this could be. It is amazing to see how much help the victims of recent disasters got, just by people posting to their Twitter accounts places to donate money, and celebrities using their accounts to reach their thousands of followers. This is a tool that could affect major change. 
Which brings me to this blog. Being a comm major I kind of failed on the social media side of things. While I may not go into public relations, I still need to be current with this stuff, and well I was lacking. It's been said that if you cannot keep up with technology, then you will be left behind. Again, I didn't think that I was interesting enough to justify a blog. But then I started reading some friend's blogs, and realized that I don't have to be interesting, that there are people out there who would read this because they care about me. Besides if anything it can help my writing, which is always a good thing. 
So there you go. I'm not saying that I lead an extraordinary life, but it's mine and it should be documented. Whether you think I'm interesting doesn't matter, but what does matter is that you took the time out of your day to read some of my thoughts. Thank you.